November 22, 2013

It's almost been a year.

As I looked at the blog this morning, I realized it's been a month since my last post, and I have yet to post anything about Jack turning 9 months or 10 months, and now he's on his way to 11 months. 

Maybe because this little man keeps me super busy or maybe it's because I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that he's almost a year old

It's almost been a year.

It's almost been a year since we were told we couldn't go to Ireland for Christmas. 

It's almost been a year since I was hospitalized.

It's almost been a year since Jack's birth.

It's almost been a year since Jack was 4 lbs. 2 ounces and 16.5 inches long.

It's almost been a year since he slept in an incubator.

It's almost been a year since he could fit into preemie clothes.

And so when I watched this beautiful video made by Benjamin Scot, a photograher and filmmaker, about his son's first year of life, I was emotional to say the least.  Their little man weighed in at 1.5 lbs and he was 15 weeks early - and this video captures the beautiful journey through this preemie's first year of life.

While watching this video, all those emotions came flooding back to me.  I remember the emotions of holding him for the first time, and the emotions that came with leaving him at the hospital and driving home every night for 3 weeks without a baby.  And I remember writing about it all here and writing about him coming home here.  And it all seems so surreal now. 

As I watched this video, I just kept could have been so much worse.  Jack was just 6 weeks early, and he weighed a little over 4 lbs at birth, and he didn't need oxygen or anything, just a feeding tube, and I was able to hold him that night.  He didn't need surgeries or anything and he was only at the hospital for 20 days.

What a privilege and honor it was to watch this video - to be allowed a glimpse into those first 107 days of Ward's life, and what a privilege and honor it has been to witness the transformation in real life, firsthand with Jack!  It truly is incredible!  God is so good, and these kids are just resilient.  May we never forget just how far they have come.

so much love,


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