November 25, 2013


  1. tro͞oTH/
    noun: truth
    1. 1.
      the quality or state of being true.
      • that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
      • a fact or belief that is accepted as true.

What does the word "Truth" mean to you?  How would you define it?  

Truth.  To me this word represents vulnerability, transparency, a realness that is so rare in this world.

Truth.  To me this word represents freedom, as I believe there is so much freedom in the truth.

Truth.  There is so much beauty and transformation found in those moments when one is being true, vulnerable, real, and raw.

And maybe that's why I think the word 'Truth' is simply beautiful.  This word carries so much weight in my life.  There have been many moments of truth in my own life...

It is so much easier for me to live into the person that I believe I am than try to be someone that I am not.  It is so much easier for me to live into the truth than it is to live into a lie.

It is so so much easier for me to live a life of honesty and vulnerability than it is for me to live a life of lies.

It is so much easier for me to speak truth than it is for me to speak lies.

“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.” 

So when a dear friend sent me a card in the mail stating that she thinks of me as her "truth friend," I was truly moved to tears.  

And in the card she went on to say...

"I think of you as my 'truth friend'!  There is an honesty about you which is quite powerful.  You say what you think and mean what you say.  I can always count on your honesty to hold me accountable, be my support, and give me tough questions to expand, test and better my own 'self.'  And you do it without apologies or batting an eye! You wear your heart on your sleeve and allow us to see the beauty of living with such truth.  And I love seeing you seek truth through your questions, your life experiences, and your relationship with love, earth, people and the Creator."

I couldn't have described myself nearly as well as she did even if I tried.  There was so much truth in her words and her depiction of who I am was so powerful for me.

The Truth is so important to me and speaking the truth in love is something I truly strive for.  And I don't think this was something I had ever spoken nor was it something I had ever put to paper.  And here she was putting my hearts desires on paper without me having even uttered a word.

I believe Christ has called me to live in this state of truth, in this state of transparency.  And my hope and prayer is that by God's grace, my ability to live within this state of honesty and transparency simply cultivates this state of living within others.

It is hard...this I know, and living in this state of vulnerability is scary, but let me tell you, it is so rewarding and there truly is so much freedom in it!

And you may start off taking little baby steps and that's okay, you have to start somewhere right?  Baby steps will eventually take you somewhere.  Now think...who in your life are you not being honest with? Is there a relationship that needs mending?  Someone that you need to forgive or something you need to be forgiven for?  Is there someone in your life that you have been lying to? a co-worker, a friend, a sibling, a spouse, yourself, God?

I urge you to start somewhere...and I promise that over time living in this state of honesty becomes easier and you will see that the truth truly does set you free.

What have you really got to lose?  I dare you to give it a try...

(I started this post weeks ago, and then just last Sunday, our pastor preached on this very topic - so I may be adding more to these thoughts in the coming weeks, months, years?  who knows how long it will take me to post something on that!)

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