October 17, 2013

Beyond Blessed.

Here I am again folks!  I have resumed my place on the bed, and I have poured myself a glass of red wine yet again, and baby is fast asleep.  I was tempted to sit down and watch the Seahawks game with the husband, but I decided to sit down and write instead.  No offense husband.

It was my birthday on Tuesday, and I can now say I have officially surpassed 30 years of life (read my 30 thoughts), and I am now 30 + 1.  What a blessed year it has been!  So many changes, so much joy, and so much transformation.  I praise God every day for this life.

So the birthday celebrations began on Saturday night with the family - we went out to dinner at Steelhead diner, and Jack did so good, sitting in a restaurant highchair for the first time.  Love that little man!  So thankful for my family, and beyond blessed that they were all able to celebrate with me!

On Monday my coworkers celebrated my birthday with cupcakes and party decorations and coutnless rounds of singing Happy Birthday!  So thankful for coworkers that enjoy celebrating birthdays and celebrating me.  Beyond blessed.  On Tuesday, the actual day, I worked from home, and got to hang out with Jack all day, and Peter treated me to my favorite donut and a starbucks beverage!  What a great way to start off the morning.  And that evening a dear friend came over and watched Jack so Peter and I could go out to dinner.  So thankful for a dear friend that is willing to treat us to a night out.  So thankful for a husband whom I love and adore, and truly cherish spending time with.  Beyond Blessed.
On Wednesday, I had dinner with some dear friends, and finished off a delicious dinner with birthday cupcakes, and again singing ensued.  Jack enjoyed my birthday balloon that I brought home with me!  And even today, people were still celebrating my birthday at work - my decorations were still up and I was blessed with a lovely card and a starbucks gift card from a special few.  Beyond blessed.

And I know it's only Thursday, and the week isn't over, but I just want to say thank you to all of you for making my day, my birthady week really, so blessed.  From all the happy birthday texts, voice messages (wish I could share those with you - another dear friend sang this amazing birthday song she made up, and you would think it would be funny considering she made it up right? but it wasn't, it was beautiful - helps too that she has a fantastic voice!! and another friend sent me a video text of her in a cowboy hat singing happy birthday and that was funny!!), phone calls, cards, emails, facebook posts, etc...I was truly blown away by all those who remembered (facebook helps!) and by the kind words that were spoken and shared. 
Thank you for letting me share life with you!  It is such a blessing and a privilege to walk through life with so many dear, dear souls, whom the Lord uses to transform and shape me into the woman He desires for me to be. 
I am beyond blessed.

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