October 31, 2014

Destination Wedding: San Diego

A very dear friend got married nearly six weeks ago and this post has been sitting in my drafts since then. I mean she's already got some of her wedding photos back (see above photo) - that's how long it's been. Oops.

Anyhow, we were blessed with another weekend getaway without our little person in tow. And as sad as it was to leave him, we were so thankful he was able to spend this time with his grandparents! It was such a blessing for all of us. I would really encourage all of you married folks out there with small children to do getaways, as soon as you feel you can get away. It's such a beautiful time to reconnect with your partner and to rest and to remember what it's like to not fill every moment of your day/life with the role of mother/father.

It was so strange to pack a bag for just myself without any toddler paraphernalia. I only had to pack clothes for myself and the baby pump and items to entertain just myself on the plane. Let's just say my bag was significantly lighter.

We departed for sunny San Diego FAR too early in the morning for my liking - way before the sun was even up, but it was all worth it. 

And to be honest, the vacation started as soon as we arrived at the airport. Flying without a child was a dream, I couldn't even remember what that was like! I was able to read for over two hours straight.

We had rented a house with three other couples off VRBO (love that website) and two of them had their babes with them, and again, both of us were very thankful that our little man was at home enjoying himself without us!

The time was busy, but so blessed. My dear friend Bekah moved to San Diego over three years ago, and little did we know she would have to go to San Diego to find the man God had for her, but that is exactly what happened. They are seriously the cutest. And being in Bekah's presence for 3 days made me miss her even more. It was such a joy to celebrate them! Jason, the husband, is the man we have been praying for ...for YEARS, and to see the way they complement each other and love each other is just simply beautiful. God is so good and so very faithful. And it was such a blessing to spend this time together.

I can't believe my dear friend is a WIFE! She has a husband and a roommate that is a boy! May this first year of marriage be a year of discovery and refinement.

I love weddings, especially weddings of such dear friends. This wedding was so uniquely them, but my absolute favorite part was at the end of the night when the videographers premiered Bekah and Jason's wedding video! Oh my goodness it was just too much. It was so beautiful, and I had never seen anything like that done before! I mean we were simply reliving everything that had happened just hours before. Every time I see something like this I literally KICK myself that we didn't have a videographer. I mean pictures are fantastic, but the videos capture the emotions in such a deep and magical way, and it's like you get to relive it all over again.

I dare you not to watch it!

I didn't get nearly as many photos as I would have liked, but here are a few of my favorites from our time.

Went to the beach soon after arriving. Wish we had more beach time, but such is life.

Went to breakfast at this delicious place to celebrate Jen's birthday! It was delicious! Thanks husbands for watching the babes so the mamas could be present and eat without being distracted.

At the rehearsal dinner. My beautiful friends. I can still taste that Mexican food - yummy! It was so good.

At the groom's parent's house - what a beautiful evening it was. Such a cute setup and a beautiful sunset.

Here they are! The lovely couple. Aren't they just gorgeous?

And that's all folks!

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