December 11, 2014

Little Buddy #2 Update

Just wanted to write a quick update and say that I'm still pregnant! And it looks like I'll be carrying this bump around for a few more days. And if our ultrasound didn't come back on Tuesday saying baby was growing well, I'd have met LB2 today!! That is just crazy. 

On Tuesday AM we found out that LB2 is growing great and the ultrasound tech said he's in the 30th percentile and weighing 6 lbs +/- a lb. It's crazy for me to believe I could have a 7 lb baby, so if I'm honest, I automatically went the other way with the - a lb, and I'm still guessing he's going to weigh in the low 6's or maybe in the 5's. I could be completely wrong. Either way, he's going to look like a giant compared to Jack when he was born!! And I can't imagine he'll be wearing all those newborn clothes we have for far too long. 

Anyhow, my Dr. was really pleased seeing as LB2 was in the 17th percentile for the last ultrasound we had 3 weeks ago. Do keep in mind that each ultrasound tech measures things differently I'm who really knows what size he is, but we are just certain he's not tiny. 

I'm still in shock that we have made it this far as I thought for sure we were going to be having a baby today (Thursday). After the ultrasound, I felt such a sense of relief knowing we had one more week. I know it's not much, but right about now every single day matters to me. I mean I still had things to do...Christmas presents to buy, a new brother present for Jack to buy (bought him this - can't even wait to give it to him), meals to make, bookshelves to hang, things to wrap up at work, a hospital bag to pack, a birth plan to write, blah blah blah. I laid in bed for two hours last Saturday just thinking about all of these things and pleading to God to give me another week - haha, so selfish I know! But I'm so thankful that requested was granted and that we have one more weekend as a family of three.

I'm cherishing each and every day with Jack as my only. And I think a small part of me is grieving this transition from one to two, but I never imagined having just one child, so I think the grief will be very short lived. 

So this time next week we will be meeting LB2 - I will be induced next Wednesday night (at 38 weeks 2 days), and Dr. is guessing he'll be born sometime next Thursday. People have been asking me why I'm getting induced and the reasoning is that blood pressures tend to creep up at this stage regardless if you have high blood pressure throughout your entire pregnancy or not. So the Dr. wants to try to avoid this, which simply means avoiding me developing preeclampsia, which was an issue with Jack too, but I never did get it, and I don't think I will this time around either. We shall see! She did say we could push it a bit further if we wanted seeing as everything is going really well, and I said, nope, I'm done! Haha! We've both reached our goals, and I'm done. 

People keep asking me if I'm ready....and the reality is I'm never going to be. I have a slight idea as to what awaits me just because this is our second, but the reality is I have no idea what it looks like to have two children. I have no idea what it looks like to do the sleepless nights with a toddler to wake up to in the AM! I have no idea what it looks like to truly labor and have contractions and to have anything but a c-section. But what I do know is that Jack's first year is more or less a blur...thank goodness for blog posts and photos, lots of photos. And because of that blurriness we have the boldness and the courage to do it all over again! And God willing, we'll do it all over even again, as I can't imagine having only two. 

Thanks so much for the prayers throughout this entire journey! God is so good, and I'm still in awe at how different this pregnancy is and how different LB2's birth story will be. Praising God for new beginnings! I can't wait to meet him - think of us this time next week as we will most likely be snuggling the newest little Drennan. 

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