December 7, 2014

Little Buddy #2: 37 weeks

week 17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31 // 32 // 33 // 34 // 35 // 36

This last Drs. appointment, last Wednesday, we discussed an induction date, and we could have settled on something, but I think Peter and I just kind of want to wait and see what we could have baby this week or next. Honestly, it doesn't make much of a difference to me now. I have wrapped up a lot of things at work and I have nearly finished all my little nesting projects. I don't have my hospital bag packed, but I didn't with Jack either and it all worked out! I suppose I should do that Tuesday night. Nor have Peter and I sat down to write out a birth plan. We have talked about alot of things that we would like, but again, we know that quite often those things are simply preferences and sometime those preferences aren't a reality. Anyhow, I have a growth ultrasound on Tuesday to check how baby is growing and if he's in the 10th percentile or lower, then we start the induction process Wednesday night, and if he's in the 11th percentile, then I'll be pregnant for another week! I should say that at 34 weeks he was in the 17th percentile, so I won't be surprised if he's still in the 17th or lower than that to be honest.

My Drs. goal when we first met was to get me to 37 weeks and I remember my thoughts when she said that..."We shall see!" My response to her goal was that I just wanted to be able to bring my baby home from the hospital. Let's just say her goal has come true, and with each passing day, I'm imagining mine will too.

The nesting instinct is in full effect - just ask the husband. I even managed to hound him to wash the cars today as I wanted a clean car to bring the baby home we just need to find the time to vacuum the car and install the infant car seat. I cleaned the house today from top to bottom and did tons of laundry, and it was all so satisfying!

Growing // They say that baby is now the size of a winter melon and that he should now weigh and between 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. I guess he's gaining about 1/2 ounce each day, but if I could guess how much LB2 would weigh, I would guess somewhere around the high fives or maybe six pounds? I'll know more Tuesday with the growth ultrasound as they guess their weight then - it will be interesting to see just how accurate it is in regards to weight. And they also say that he's measuring around 18.9 to 20.9 inches, and again, I'd imagine he's going to be on the lower end in regards to length - maybe 18 inches? We'll find out soon enough I suppose!
    Eating + Sleeping // Nothing new with eating! I'm really loving smoothies lately and had a giant one for dinner last night...yummy. Had some major contractions before I went to bed last night, and I started to panic that I was going to go into labor all on my own. And I had absolutely no idea what to do...did we go to the hospital? How many contractions was enough to warrant that again? What about my hospital bag that isn't packed? What about Jack who is sleeping peacefully? What do we do!??? Hmm...I'll just lay here and wait till morning and maybe I should download a contraction app on my phone - and if I can sleep through the contractions, then I won't worry about them. Just go to sleep Malia....that was my little pep talk, and it worked! Funny really because isn't this what most pregnant women go through? Because I have just presumed I would be induced, I just figured we would have childcare sorted, I would be in the hospital already experiencing contractions and being monitored, and the hospital bag would be packed for the planned hospital stay. 

    Feeling // You know I've been feeling really strong lately. It's strange carrying an extra thirty pounds on your body as it definitely does take it's toll on you, and it probably doesn't help that it's so disproportionate and I'm like top heavy. But I feel strong, especially when I lift up my nearly 30 lb child (guesstimate, I have absolutely no idea how much Jack weighs), and then I'm carrying like 60 extra pounds! And I'm feeling excited...I'm so ready to meet our little man. And I'm excited (and a little terrified) to see what it's like being a mom of two boys. 

    Wearing // Anything that is comfortable. Still wearing all of my shoes - I did take off my wedding band a few weeks ago, and now I'm just wearing my engagement ring, but that is getting tight as well.

    Milestones // It's crazy to think that we were bringing Jack home from the hospital at this stage in the game and he had been outside of my belly for 3 weeks already. And it's still crazy to think that LB2 is still nice and snug in my belly. A few days ago I sent an email to my Dr. a little concerned as baby hadn't been moving a ton throughout the day...I could have gone in for a non-stress test that night, but I didn't. And he was moving a ton the next day. The reality is...I have never been this pregnant and I have no idea what movements at 37 weeks feel like. Sometimes I feel a movement down in my hip bone, which is most likely a hand, and his highest body part tends to rest just a bit above my belly button. He has never lived up in my ribs as he is perfectly content resting his little head as far down as he possibly can without actually exiting, which simply means, the rest of his body is really low as well. Praise God for this pregnancy and for this growing baby! I never would have guessed we would make it this far. 

    Pregnant with Jack week  17 // 18 // 19 // 20 // 21 // 22 // 23 // 24 // 25 // 26 // 27 // 28 // 29 // 30 // 31 // 32 // 33 

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