February 15, 2016

Dear Jack {3 years and one month}

Hi sweet boy,

It's your mama here! Just finished putting you to bed, only took over an hour for you to fall asleep. You are really big into stalling these days. I want dada...I want mama...I'm scared...Don't like my blanket...don't like my pillow. You name it, we've probably heard it.

But I just wanted to take the time to write tonight.

I was in the office all day today, and I was so excited to come home to see you and the rest of the clan! Dada had pulled up the blinds, so I could see your little self through the window playing with something on the coffee table. I honked the car horn and you immediately ran to the window...and your face just lit up! I could see how excited you were and I could just imagine the squeals that were ringing through the house as you giggled and proclaimed, "Mama's home!" Let me tell you, everyone should have a welcoming committee like that. I can't ever seem to get out of the car fast enough and before I can even park the car and open my door, you are there on the back porch squealing some more.

And then I come in the door and Ryan's smiling and giggling and I'm so excited to be home with you guys. And you just want to hug me and sit in my lap and smother me with kisses and I love you's, all while I do the same. You are just the sweetest (most of the time).

Tonight, after Ryan went to bed, we literally ran around the house and played for hours. We pretended we were airplanes and we stretched out our arms and flew around the house. We pretended we were horsies and you climbed on our backs. We raced around the house carrying a little ball on a spoon. We laughed. We read some books. And we spent some time looking through old photos and watching videos of your younger self. You LOVE doing that! "More ...more. Ahh Jackie funny."

Jack, I wish you could meet your three year old self. I think you'd really like him. He's hilarious and so entertaining, such a talker and so full of energy, yet so sensitive and sweet. He wakes up in the morning ready to go, I mean he literally bounces out of bed and immediately starts talking and doesn't stop till he's sleeping. I wonder if you'll always be like this? You love to fall asleep on your stomach but rarely stay in that position throughout the night. I wonder if you'll always sleep like this? You absolutely love to give kisses to everyone and you reach for people's hands to hold. You trust people so easily. I wonder how long this will last?

I get emotional just thinking about how much you've changed in the last 3 years and who you'll become in the next 3. Sometimes I wish I could just stop time, but then I remember just how much of a privilege it is to watch you grow older, even if that means that with each passing year, more and more of my baby disappears as I begin to watch this little boy emerge.

I truly can't put into words just how magnificent you are. I know, I know...I'm you're mom. I'm sure I'm biased. But truly, people tell us all the time just how sweet you are! And it's true. Most of the time.

I love you Jackie and I thank God for you!


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