February 7, 2016

Jack Emmet: 3 Years

Little Buddy by month 
1 // 2 // // 4 // 5 // // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16 // 17 // 18 // 

You // You my dear are becoming such a toddler! It's wild. You are talking a ton and stating your opinions and declaring your preferences and you're all about Dada these days. You don't want anyone else to put you to bed, only Dada can do it, however, over the last few months you just want someone to lie down with you. You wake up with a smile on your face, ready to face the world and so full of energy. And you're all about doing things yourself these days...I do it myself. Quite often though you make an attempt and then you turn to one of us and say "dada/mama need help." You are funny. And you tell us you love us ALL the time! And you adore your brother. I truly had no idea how much you would love that little person. You call him Ry guy and silly monkey and you LOVE getting him into trouble...already. You are the instigator and then Ryan comes looking for you and you say...oh no..Ry Guy! Mama...Ry Guy. I laugh to myself just thinking about the things you two have already gotten into. You my dear are such a delight. You love to laugh - you are so funny and so sweet!!

Growing // At your three year well check, you weighed 35 lbs 4 oz (82nd percentile), you measured 36.75 inches (31st percentile) and your BMI was in the 96th percentile. And that's probably why the Dr. said..."I'm not saying he's fat, but maybe you want to cut back on the snacks?" Haha! I had no idea! But we're taking her advice, and we also started buying lowfat milk.

Eating + Sleeping // You eat a ton and you really love snacks (raisins, popcorn, granola bars, rice cereal, rice cakes, cheese, nuts). Sometimes I feel like you're eating all day long. You say you're hungry so we feed you...but I'm starting to wonder if that's really true? You love quesadillas, but you call them pizzies, you know like a pizza! You love these oat ball things I make with oats, peanut butter, and honey. You love peas and turkey meat and black beans and sometimes I can get you to eat a banana or two.

We try to get you to bed by 8 and you are normally up by 6:30 and you are taking just an hour long nap, sometimes longer? But never shorter than an hour. And you are sleeping in our bed ALOT these days. You never use to sleep in our bed and it wasn't for lack of trying...some nights I'd be far too tired to walk you back to your room, but you would refuse to crawl into bed with us, and now I can't get you out of our bed. I think we'll have to figure that out sometime soon, but your dad and I are doing whatever we need to do to get some sleep around here. So last night, when I woke up at 2:30 AM and discovered you in our bed, I thought to myself, how long has he been in here? And then I just rolled over and went back to sleep. You're like a little ninja now, crawling up on our bed and getting under the blankets without your dad or I noticing. Just goes to show you how hard I sleep these days...when I actually do sleep.

Nicknames // Jackie, Jackie bear, silly monkey, booboo, boobaloo, nakie boy (this is what we call you when you get naked and you've started to say...I wanna be nakie boy and then you start taking your clothes off!)

Wearing // The majority of your clothes are 3T. You are still wearing a few 2T items, but the majority of your trousers these days are 3T. Your shoe size is an 8/9.

Loving // You love legos and drawing and reading books. You LOVE watching movies and tv and we try our best to limit you to one hour or two hours a day! You'd watch tv all day if we'd let you! You love to laugh and you love playing with your brother. You LOVE helping with chores around the house - watering the flowers, washing dishes, vacuuming, etc. You love going for walks and having adventures, and you are still obsessed with trucks and cars and anything with wheels! You love playing and you say ...I wanna pay...and you're really good at entertaining yourself and playing on your own. You are really into space ships and everything becomes a space ship...or a spacechine as you like to call them.

Loathing // You think every toy is yours, so you really dislike having to share your toys. You loathe when we turn the TV off! And you really dislike being dirty. We created a little neat freak and you've realized that everything has it's place, so you're really good at putting things away, but you also want your hands wiped and your shoes cleaned. You absolutely LOATHE getting in trouble or timeouts and all we have to do is threaten a timeout and you change gears. You have some serious FOMO (fear of missing out) and you get really sad when you think you might be missing out on something, hence the strong dislike for timeouts.

Doing // You are talking alot and running around alot. You are so high energy, but at the same time you love to sit and play quietly with your cars or sit and read a book. You love to walk places, but you ask to go up top on dada's shoulders when you're tired. You have been testing the boundaries a whole lot more lately, which results in us giving timeouts, which simply means standing in a corner or going into your room and shutting the door.

Milestones // I feel like this has been such a HUGE year for you! Learning what it truly means to share and love and be a big brother. We did a few repeat things - second trip to Hawaii, the pumpkin patch and the tree farm, second time traveling internationally, and even amidst the repeat activities, you did have a few firsts, your first hot chocolate, first time helping to decorate the Christmas tree, first trip to the fair, first time on a carousel, first time peeing on the potty.

Words/Phrases // You are talking a TON! Your favorite thing to say is 'mon Dada, 'mon Mama. Translation = c'mon Dada, c'mon Mama. And need help or too hard! Or I do it myself. Or peease or take you. Or I lovee mama (you've just now started to use all three words (I love you) rather than rolling it together, which is just another sign that you truly are growing up!)

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