March 20, 2013

Little Buddy: Two Months!

So you are officially 2 months and 13 days old, and it has taken me all of those 13 days to post something about your 2 month milestones.  It took me ages to sort out how I was going to mark these milestones pictorially.  I started off marking the first month with a one month picture frame photo, and I think from this month on I'm going to take pictures of you with your monkey!  Should be a fun way to mark your growth.  But I encourage all you future mamas out there to think about this ahead of time so you are more prepared than I was when the first month approaches!  It goes by so very fast.

At two months you now weigh 8 lbs 2 oz and you are 21.25 inches long, and you are in the 3rd percentile for height and weight based upon your actual birthday.  We are so proud of the fact that you even made it on the charts!! And guess what?  Your head circumference is in the 25th percentile - it's still on the bigger side!!  And for your adjusted age (due date) you are in the 25th percentile for height/weight and the 75th for head circumference, and we know all of this because we just went to the Dr. last Thursday.  You have also had your two month shots, and you took them like a champ!!  We were so proud of you.

You look so different from when you were first born.  Don't you think?  Back then preemie clothes were big on you and you barely even fit into the newborn diapers!  I suppose 4 extra lbs and an extra 5 inches makes a world of difference. Your nose doesn't look quite as big and your little hands aren't wrinkly anymore.  And you have rolls!!  We are so very proud of your double chin and your little leg rolls.

We have all sorts of nicknames for you - each day we use a new one.  I have taken to calling you names that I call your dad, and he has started to do the same, and quite often, I don't know if your dad is talking to me or to you! Some of these names are bubba, bubby, bugsy, buddy, LB, Jack Attack, etc.

You love burrowing your heard under blankets, maybe this is your way of telling us our house is just too cold for you.  You love to eat, but sometimes you get ahead of yourself and half of your dinner ends up all over your clothes. You love having your little hands up by your face, but you also love being swaddled.  You love pulling at my hair and grabbing hold of our fingers.  You absolutely love your pacifier, and your dad and I love listening to you attack that thing!  You love your car seat, once you are buckled in it, but it's torture getting to that point.  You love the Moby Wrap, your rock n play sleeper, and your giraffe.  You love waving your little arms, wiggling your little legs, and sucking on your little hands.  

You hate having your diaper changed, and I think it's just that you hate being cold, but you are not bothered in the least by a diaper that is filled with all sorts of treasures.  You hate cold hands, which isn't too big of a surprise either, and you hate having your clothes changed.  I don't think you like me pulling things up over your head.  You don't mind spitting up, but you absolutely hate it when it comes out your nose.  You panic and start instantly wailing! And I don't blame you.  You hate the flash of a camera.  You hate tummy time, but I think you are getting a bit more use to it!  And you are on the fence about bath time - you could take it or leave it.

In regards to milestones, in the last month you have somehow managed to poop, pee, and throw up on both your dad and I.  You have peed and spit up on nearly all of your clothing (may be a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point), but your little smiles make up for all of the extra laundry.  You smiled at your dad today, and he couldn't wait to tell me, even confessed it made him a bit weepy.  You can roll onto your side, and Peter said you rolled over fully yesterday, which seems crazy to me.  You had your first sleepover at your grandparents house, but don't worry, we were there too.  You make the best facial expressions, and I always have a camera close by and I am slightly obsessed with taking photos of you.

Some random facts.  You are definitely NOT sleeping through the night and right now we are lucky if we get 4 hours between feedings.  However, even four hours is extremely rare.  You grunt alot after you are done polishing off your bottle, and you have some serious gas, and sometimes I can't tell if the fart came from you or your dad.  And whenever you finish your bottle you smack your lips.  You are still sleeping in our room, and your little moans and groans wake me up at night and leave your dad and I trying to figure out just what it is you want.  Does he need fed? Does he have a dirty diaper?  Does he need anything?  Or is he just making noises?  I suppose earplugs would help, but I have yet to buy any.

You are growing up far too fast, and I know the first year of your life is just going to fly by and I want to stop time and just keep you small forever.  I mean how much easier would that be right?? You are so incredibly agreeable right now, for the most part, and we have so much control over your life, and I know it won't last!

It's crazy to think you will never be two months old again.  You continue to amaze us each and every day, and we love you so very much Jack Emmet!

Until next month,


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