March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patt(dd)y's Day!

So as some of you may not know, I am married to an Irishman.  And when I say Irishman, I don't just mean his parents are Irish, although they are, and I don't just mean he has some Irish in him, although he does, I mean he truly hails from Ireland.  He has the passport, the accent, and the wit to show for it!

Peter has brought many things to our marriage - humor, laughter and joy, a love for all things Irish and a strong desire for me to love them too, a new vocabulary and new prononciations for words I had been saying for years, and a lovely Irish flag, to name a few.  Please note, the flag hung on the wall of our apartment for nearly TWO years people!  You try making a giant flag look appealing in an apartment - let me tell you, it's hard, but the Irish pride runs deep, and I tried to get him to pull that thing down, but the man wouldn't budge.  And if I'm honest, I kind of miss it now.

It looked a little something like this.

Anyhow, every year, Peter and I have this discussion about how Americans (yes, I fall into this category too!) call March 17th St. Patty's Day.  Oh, it drives the man wild!  And if you are American, you are thinking, well what's wrong with that?  What else would you call it?

Well where my husband comes from March 17th is St. Paddy's Day.  Please note the difference because it's a big one in this house - the saints shortened name is with two D's, not two T's, thus its pronounced differently too.  Remember this if you cross paths with an Irish(wo)man.  You don't want to appear ignorant.  However, in honor of my Americanness and Peter's Irishness, I have taken to combining the two names when I write it, (husband hates this - makes him cringe)  hence the blog post title.

Over the last few years, we have taken to celebrating the day, whether it's with a party at ours that consists of Irish stew, Irish desserts, Irish trivia, and other non-Irish things (here and here), or breakfast at ours consisting of a true (as true as we can get) Irish fry - that's what we did last year.

As this year has brought many changes, it appears our St. Paddy's day celebrations have also changed a bit.  And today, on the day St. Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland, we will be celebrating the day God brought the littlest Irishman (LB aka Jack) into our lives with a meet and greet at my parent's house.  See my mom had a shower all planned to celebrate him while he was still in the womb, and then he decided to exit that womb a week before the shower was to happen.  Thus, the celebration has turned into a meet and greet!

Check out the cute little party favors my sister and I put together!  Thank you Pinterest for the inspiration.  We couldn't have done it without you!

And if you, unlike us, are having a party tonight and are wondering how to decorate, check out some free printable options I found here, here, here, here, and here.

And aren't these party favor ideas cute??  Obviously we either deemed them too time consuming or too difficult and they didn't make the cut, but links are below the pictures if you are interested in the how tos.

And on this day, take a moment to tell your loved ones that they are the pot of gold at the end of your rainbow! When else can you say such a thing without sounding slightly silly??

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! 


The Seattle Drennan's

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