December 30, 2016

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dearest Friends and Family,
I can’t believe it’s already been a year! I think I say this every year, but truly where does the time go? This time last year we were celebrating our first year of surviving parenthood with two kids under two. We were probably still living in a bit of a fog which I can proudly say we are out of, for now. This time last year, we were just beginning to navigate the realm of unemployment and Peter was just beginning his job search. We were hopeful and excited and waiting to see the journey God would take us on.
And here we are a year later, still waiting and still hopeful. To say this has been a trying time for our family may be a bit of an understatement. But what a journey it has already been – one of self-discovery and deepening of faith. We have learned far more than we ever wanted to about ourselves, each other, and our faith. And as Peter searches for meaningful employment, I've seen him wrestle with his calling, his sense of worth, his trust in the Lord, his (fill in the blank). And I've wrestled with my own issues, mainly how to support and encourage and love him well in this season of waiting and anticipating. And yet amidst all the wrestling and the waiting, God has provided and He has been faithful. And we've learned to truly trust and rejoice (sometimes with tears streaming down our faces) even when we can't see what's ahead because we know who and what is there.
It is such a privilege to be walking through this life with Peter by my side, with God as our guide, witnessing His goodness that surrounds us daily. And I’m so overwhelmed with gratitude for my partner that I love so deeply, for my children that bring me so much joy, and for Jesus who paid it all. All to Him I owe. And as we hold fast to God’s faithfulness and to the joy that comes from Him and through Him, we have been reminded of these simple truths. He is Good. He is Faithful. He is our Provider. He is our Joy. He is our Peace.
It is so easy to lose sight of these truths amidst the chaos that can feel like our lives sometimes whether that's internally in our home as I do my best to keep the boys from burning down the house or externally in our communities or in our world. Through this season of waiting we have come to fully experience Peace and Contentment through Him on this Earth. And our hope and prayer for you is that you too may find Peace in Christ this season and always!
For His glory,
Peter, Malia, Jack + Ryan

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