July 19, 2018

The Gift of Perspective

Guys, this post has been sitting in my drafts for something like seven months, but as I read over it tonight, I just thought this is so good and still rings true today, even seven months later.

And as Conor enters into his thirteenth week in the NICU, and as we near the 100 day mark, I'm just thankful for our NICU history with all of our babes and for the gift of perspective. And for the ability to reflect back on that history and those unique experiences (Jack 20 days in NICU due to prematurity, Ryan 10 days in NICU due to RSV/Bronchilitis), knowing where the boys are today, to look out at my two children who lived through it all, knowing Conor will be the same! I truly feel like those experiences were preparation for such a time as this.

I sit here tonight, thinking about the gift of perspective, of history, of being able to reflect back on something, fully knowing where you stand today.

A few weeks ago, Peter and I had the privilege to hear our old College Pastor preach at our current church. And as he began to speak, I just turned to Peter with a silly grin on my face as I knew we were both taken back about 13 years when Peter was an intern and I was a college student.

And I just thought wow, who would have thought we'd be where we are today.

Who would have thought that I'd sign up for a mission trip, not knowing what country I was going to or who I was going with until just months before we departed.

Who would have thought I'd not only fall in love with the country, but also with my darling husband.

And I just saw there in the pews, just thinking about all that's happened over the last 13 years.

And as I sat in the pews at church I just thought about all the memories we've made in this space.

I remembered walking down the aisle of the chapel on our wedding day.

I remembered the years Peter and I spent volunteering in Sunday school, and the day Peter had to change the diaper of a 3 year old. 

I remember the long season of unemployment and the way my husband turned to me declaring he was going to go forward for prayer, and I remember the tears that streamed down our faces in that moment.

I remember God's faithfulness in all the seasons, time and time again.

We had no idea about the future, or the path we'd take to get there, but here we are.

Seasons come, and seasons change, but always you remain ...the same.


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