April 19, 2010

Living Alone.

So as many of you know Peter went to the Dominican Republic for the week last week. I had him back for a few days only to have him pack up his bags AGAIN for a work retreat in Seabeck. I will see him Tuesday night briefly, and then he is taking me to the airport for VEGAS on Wednesday. It all sounds crazy, but my main point is that I am all alone AGAIN for the second time in 2 weeks.

Last week at my bible study the girls were asking me my thoughts on having Peter gone. They said they had mixed thoughts on how I might handle this situation. I had come to them months ago stating how I just wanted some time alone. Well my cries were answered, and I spent that first day ALONE ALL DAY - granted it was my choice to do that, but it was almost a test to me to see if I could still do it. Had being married altered this desire to spend time alone or in silence? I discovered that the answer was NO that desire is still very much present.

To be quite honest, I discovered a lot about myself this past week. One being I can live without my best friend for a week. I would rather NOT have to, but I can do it. Two, I just don't really like living on my own. Don't get me wrong, I loved doing my own thing and making plans with friends who I haven't seen in ages, but I don't like coming home to an empty apartment. Three, the apartment stays cleaner ALOT longer when there is just one. Four, there isn't nearly as much laundry to be done when there is just one. Five, I had no problem filling my time, but I kind of get tired of having to schedule things and miss the spontaneity of friend dates. Six, I just love having someone to come home to. Are you seeing a pattern here? I love living with OTHER people and I DO NOT like living alone.

All in all, I embraced the MALIA time. I read so many books, stayed up late, left the bedroom light on as long as I wanted, had dinner whenever I wanted, woke up when I wanted. Ultimately though it all seemed so selfish because it was ALL about me and I didn't have to WORRY about anyone else. This I don't really like, and it may be the one of the main reasons I love living in community, whether that be with one person or 4 people. When you live in community, you share life together, you make sacrifices, your friendship is spontaneous, and your heart is transformed.

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