June 7, 2011

Another Interview.

So I realized this morning that I never posted anything about the job interview that I had last Wednesday with World Concern.  So I figured I should probably remedy that.

So let's see...last Wednesday I had another job interview.  This interview was for the Donor Services Administrative Assistant.  Sounds pretty great right??  The job is just part-time and I truly have no idea how much it pays, but it would be a step in the right direction.

So the interview.  I showed up once again at the CRISTA campus and checked in at reception.  The lovely woman at reception asked for my name and then went onto say that she use to have a neighbor named Malia.  She then went onto tell me abut her neighbor and how she was from Hawaii, and I of course had to inform her that I wasn't from Hawaii, but my parents gave me a Hawaiian name anyways.

This is not the first time that my name has been the topic of conversation before an interview.  Remember my interview with the Gates Foundation?  I mean let's just say that my name is definitely NOT a common one.  I am extremely use to people butchering it while I cringe and debate whether I should correct their pronunciation or not.  So when people say it correctly and then spell it correctly I am normally slightly shocked.  And I am also slightly shocked when people HAVE my name or know someone with my name because like I said it is extremely uncommon.  So I had to chuckle to myself and once again rest in the fact that the Lord knew I was there.

The interview lasted about 45 minutes and it was so very enjoyable.  I left feeling so encouraged and inspired.  They started off asking me about my faith and to describe bits of my faith journey.  They then went on to inform me that I was extremely overqualified for the job...so then why was I there?  I loved this question primarily because I have been struggling ALOT with feelings of insecurities...feeling as though I am not qualified for any positions...feeling as though I have nothing to offer anyone.  I suppose that is what happens when you receive more rejection emails than acceptance ones.  This whole job process is extremely taxing on your spirit and your heart.  But my answer to the question went something like this...well you may think that I am overqualified based on my education, but the truth is I lack experience, and you have to start somewhere.  They complimented me on my personality and even mentioned how much they loved my resume!  And when all was said and done they prayed for the whole process, which I absolutely loved.  It just reminded me that God's hand truly is upon it all.

So I left there with a skip in my step and a smile on my face - and I wasn't going to let the three rejection emails I had received earlier that day get me down!

POST SCRIPT -  As I typed this post in the waiting room of Virginia Mason (grandma is here for an eye appointment) I received a call from Heidi at World Concern.   I didn't recognize the number - so it went straight to voicemail, and I took a chance and listened to the message.  I could tell by the sound of her voice that they wouldn't be offering me the job, and eventually those dreaded words came...we went with another candidate.  But she was so encouraging and she even told me about another position with CRISTA Corporate that she wanted me to apply for.  So the job search continues...

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