February 23, 2011

How He Loves.

So as I was driving to Bellevue to have dinner with my sister last Thursday, the song How he loves by David Crowder Band came on the Radio!  I love that song and it just got me thinking about this job interview I had this past Monday (on Valentines Day!).  I wasn't going to post about it, but figured I should because it is such a beautiful story of God's faithfulness and how much He really does love us.

So Monday I had an interview.  I didn't really know WHERE I was going, nor what to expect, but I knew I was excited, I knew that people were praying HARD for me, and I knew that I was going to be late!  So I arrived at the security gate, and told the man that my name was Malia Drennan and I was here to meet with so and so, and I wasn't sure if I was in the right place.  The security man kindly informed me that I was in the right place and his simple words, "Good luck with the interview!" not only put a huge smile on my face, but also put me at ease.  
So I parked the car as informed and was that much closer to the actual interview.  I walked into the unmarked building and introduced myself at reception.  I must admit I was slightly baffled when the woman asked me for my id and took a picture of me for security purposes.  I felt like I was at the airport or something!  And as the woman looked over my drivers license, the woman beside her chuckled, and I simply stood there smiling sheepishly, thinking they were laughing at me or something.  But maybe to calm my nerves or maybe to let me in on the joke, the woman kindly stated, "you two have the same name."

Now, for all of those who know me know that my name is RARE...soo RARE that people have the darnedest time pronouncing it ALWAYS regardless of how much instruction I may give them in advance.  But the best part was that not only did this woman have the same name as me - same spelling and everything, but she nearly had the same middle name as me!!  She said "so your middle name is Lani" and I said "yeah it sure is - super hawaiian" and she said "my middle name is Leilani."  I literally laughed out loud and thought to myself "gosh...God you sure are funny!"

This conversation completely put me at ease and I was left with so much excitement for the interview and the days ahead!  I mean I knew people were praying HARD for me that day and I felt that prayer so intensely.  But my absolute favorite part of the day was meeting Malia Leilani because it was in THAT moment that I was reminded of the Lord's tremendous presence in my life.  He knew where I was at that time and thought I would be amused by this chance meeting with another Malia (Lei)Lani.  Well let me tell you, He was right!!  And I left the interview so full of joy and filled with so much grace and simply overwhelmed by the Lord's love for me.

Who knows if I will get the job - kind of left feeling as though it wouldn't be the best fit for either party!  But I did leave fully knowing that God has a plan for this whole job thing and I just have to continue to be patient and continue to pursue Him through it all.  I am still unsure as to what that job is and when it will fall into my lap, but I am so sure of God's love for me - His everlasting love for me...His love for us all.  So here is one of my all time favorite songs...listen at your own risk!!  You may become slightly addicted.  And I must admit I have listened to it about 6 times since starting this post.

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