May 3, 2014

Mommy Insights: Sleep Deprivation

We have some friends that had a baby recently, and we went to visit them a few weeks ago.  The first thing they said as we walked through the door was, "Please tell us night time gets easier...Jack's sleeping through the night right??"

And Peter and I broke the news to them slowly...."He's not sleeping through the night yet, but night times do get easier simply because you get use to the sleepless nights."

It all becomes your new normal, and you forget what it was like to have a night where your sleep wasn't interrupted by a hungry babe.  You forget what it was like to sleep past 6 AM.  You forget what it was like to lay in bed all day.

I forget...and the sleep deprivation becomes your new normal, and you begin to learn how to function with very little sleep.  Extending grace becomes your new normal. Asking for help becomes your new normal.

And eventually you forget what your life was like before the little human invaded it.  And you may not be thriving, but you certainly are surviving...what more can you ask for?


I wrote that back in October - and it has been sitting in my drafts for the last 7 months! I can now say that my child is now sleeping through the night like a champ. And I still go to bed far too late and I still wake up far earlier than I'd like to. But there are mornings that I wake up before Jack, and I don't even know what to do with myself. And sometimes, I'm just counting down the minutes till the little man wakes up. I love being his mom and the sleep deprivation - worth it. It's all worth it! And I think I can say with confidence that we are past the survival mode, and we finally have a rhythm to our lives. So to all those new mamas out does get easier. It gets a whole lot easier. I promise!

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