August 21, 2014

A Second Time.

There's something extra special about doing this (being pregnant) a second time.

Now I know what to expect and I embark on this pregnancy/parenting journey wholeheartedly.

I am not blind to the realities and the trials.

But I know the joy.

Oh do I know the joy.

I know the reality of sleepless nights.

I am all too familiar with the postpartum body.

I know nights and days in a hospital.

I know what pain and recovery from a c-section actually looks like.

I know the desire to feel needed and the reluctance and resentment that also comes with that need.

I know the laughter that comes from blow outs and spit ups.

I know the endless laundry.

I can now see how a baby can tear a marriage apart and separate two lives that were once one.

I have a new understanding for the word partnership and I can now see the true value and beauty in that sincere and genuine partnership.

I now know the many ways a baby not only transforms you, but refines you.

I know the silly things that can be said to your spouse in the middle of the night.

I know the silly fights that happen in the middle of the night and even during the day.

All in the name of utter exhaustion.

And yet we do it all over again because the joy and the love is simply indescribable.

You just can't even begin to put it into words.

And seeing the world through a little person's eyes is simply magical.

And I love that magic.

I know that we have absolutely no idea what exactly awaits us, thus we have no idea as to what we are really getting ourselves into.

I know that it is going to be hard, really hard.

I know that we have a toddler that is in the beginning stages of tantrums and testing boundaries and adding a newborn baby to that sounds...interesting.

But I also know that God has blessed me abundantly with a husband whom I love and cherish and admire and respect. And I feel so incredibly honored to be his partner with this whole parenting gig.

I know that our faith in God is so much stronger and our love for each other so much deeper.

And I know that as long as we continue to grasp onto Him with our hands clasped together. He will grant us the patience, the wisdom, the grace, and the humility to encounter all of our trials with bold and courageous spirits.

And for that I am eternally grateful.



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