January 30, 2012

Weekend Activities.

So the past few weekends have been filled with dog sitting, but I will write about that in another post.  Peter would really love a dog, so instead of getting one, we just dog sit whenever we can!  And I hope that whets his appetite, and most of the time it does.

However, two weekends in a row is alot for his appetite, and I think he will really miss having a dog around after this one goes.

So our Saturday consisted of sleeping till 9 AM, which was glorious!  Waking up to feed the dog and let him out so he could do his business in the yard.  We did various tasks around the house and then set out for a long walk with dog in hand (well Peter's hand really!).

We walked to Fred Meyer where I exchanged one bird feeder for another.  I went in, while Peter waited outside with the dog.  Our new bird feeders have been a huge hit with the birds in our yard, and Peter has been doing all sorts of research on Northwest birds.  My husband is quite the birdie (like a foodie, but instead of an interest in food, his interest is in birds!) and his new favorite past time is watching the birds from our door window with his binoculars in hand.

Our second stop was Value Village.  I stayed outside with the dog, while Peter perused the shelves.  And let me tell you, people just love this dog.  He is a beagle, and you may remember me writing about him before - here and here.  So he is pretty small - everyone thought he was a puppy!  And he received one compliment after another - it was pretty amusing!

Our third stop was the Lake City Bakery - a little place on Lake City (obviously) that I have been dying to check out.  I went in, while Peter stayed outside with the dog.  Are you seeing a trend yet?  Anyhow, after perusing all the baked goods for what seemed like ages, I finally landed on the blueberry coffee cake.  And it was delish!

And then our final stop was the library, where Peter picked up some books I had on hold.  And this time, I stayed outside with the dog.  And then when all was said and done we headed home.

The lessons I learned today...

You can take a dog anywhere, but he just can't go in.
People love little dogs or maybe they just love beagles.
And my husband just happens to be one of those people.

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