March 2, 2010


Well I have a few moments before peter comes home from his core group and I wanted to share some thoughts. So I just came home from bible study and I am wondering how long it will take me to come down from my high. Now it may be a result of spending good, quality time with my girlfriends or it could be spending good, quality time talking about God, or it could be both...spending good, quality time with girlfriends talking about God. Now I have always valued my friends and I have always known just how blessed I am to have people in my life who I love and care about and who love and care about me. But some things change when you get married. I spent most of my life living in community with women - growing up it was my mom and sister until my sister moved out when I was 17, and then there was the glorious sorority days where I lived with 100 girls from 18-22, and then there was the 5224 house and the 136 which were both filled with beautiful women, and I can't forget to mention that somewhere in there I also lived with two boys and that experience partially prepared me for living with Peter.

I have been blessed with amazing women in my life, and once I got married and moved in with a boy, I was once again reminded of this tremendous blessing. Don't get me wrong I adore my new roommate, who just told me a minute ago that he would fart in my face if I didn't move to my side of the bed, but obviously as one can tell it's very different. I mean truly my female roommates never would have said that! I miss the spontaneity of friendships, the late night talks, carrying the burdens, baked goods, sharing meals together, and ultimately, intimately sharing life together because you live in such close quarters. But thankfully, I see my girlfriends every Monday for bible study and the time flies by, but it is beautiful because God always shows up. Within this group we have the capacity to be real, raw and vulnerable and I fully trust that these women will listen with open hearts and open ears and support me through it all. I truly thank God for this group of women and I am already looking forward to meeting next Monday and sharing our raw encounters with God.


  1. love this malia! love you! and i, too, am so thankful for monday night girl/God time!


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