March 7, 2017

It is Finished

Just wanted to thank you all for following along with us in this job journey. What a journey it has been! I left for MOPS early this morning as the husband was awaiting the phone call, which we assumed was to talk with him further about the job. And as I was sitting down with the women at my table, I received a text from Peter with the below photo that said "Dada got the job!" I gasped and just praised God, Thank you Jesus! There's so much I want to say, but words just feel so insufficient right now. We are so overwhelmed with gratitude and pray that He has been honored and glorified through us in this journey. May you come to know His goodness and His faithfulness and His mercy in your own life and may our story somehow encourage your own. I can't wait to share with you all the details of this journey and of the past 2 weeks. He has shown Himself in so many ways, and I'm thankful for the eyes to see His hand in everything. He makes all things beautiful, and this journey is so beautiful. I invite you to rejoice with us as we will be doing some serious rejoicing in our house tonight!

And here are the other posts I've posted in the past week relating to this job. Part One, Part Two, Part Three. And it's funny that I even posted about this job in particular as I haven't done that with any of the husband's previous interviews. We just knew. It felt so different.

And the final installment.


Jesus said "It is finished"

At 9AM this morning, our world spun on itself. The phone call we have waited on for 18 months arrived, the call we fell on our knees for, the call we cried, yelled and screamed for arrived. Today, I was offered a job for an organization that I am super stoked about. To say I am thrilled is the understatement of the millennium. To say I am humbled by all of your prayers and for God's reckless love is also an understatement.

This is an org that seems to perfectly fit my skills, knowledge, and passion. My first love was forests, and my first passion was environmental causes. Today, I come home, today I get to join a team seeking to certify 1 Billion acres of forest land as being sustainably managed. The implications for people, and planet are profound. This is such a good fit, a fit forged in 18 months of seeking and praying, a fit that almost did not happen. I could have stopped searching and given up on my dream, and taken a recent offer to fertilize grass for a living...But It felt like there was something else out there...something better. This job was actually closed when I applied, but by God's grace it was mistakenly kept posted online...and by God's grace my app was too good for them to not take a second look at, position closed or not!

Today, I cry, and I laugh as I look back and I see God's hands all over this past 18 months as well as this whole application process. From the moment I saw this job, everything felt different. It felt like this was it, could it be? Dare we dream again? They wanted an interview within HOURS of seeing my application. Dare we dream? Friends said I was perfect for this job. Dare we dream? We saw the FSC logo everywhere. Dare we dream? We fasted, God moved the process forward. Dare we dream? Breaking our fast, and at that exact moment our favourite David Crowder song comes on Spotify. Dare we dream? They want an in person interview - I nailed it, dare we dream? They want references? Dare we dream? I really want this job. Dare we dream? Today, no need to dream, it has happened!

There are moments over this past 18 months that will live with us forever. Getting prayer at church and crying as we desperately wanted God's eyes, and to understand his plan. Learning to let go of our career and hold on to Jesus. The generosity of friends, sending us letters of encouragement, even money out of the blue. The deep love of my wife, the time with my precious boys. The lessons learned about sharing and opening up our hearts to friends. What it feels like to to be low income, to depend on benefits and minimum wage. The love of our family. The hours spent with my life coach and friend, and the new way of being we dreamed up. The countless times at church when our pastor told us about God's love for us, about His presence even in hard times, about our worth being in Him and not what we do. The sermon series about Moses in the desert. Living simply, and within our new means and finding a new way to be - discounts people! The close calls, and near misses.

We are so grateful for you, and all that you have done for us through your presence in our life. It has been a wild ride, thanks for riding with us.

Blessings and love,

Peter, Malia, Jack, and Ryan.

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