This time next week we will be in Ireland, and I will be saying Merry Christmas Belfast! I haven't written anything about our trip to Ireland for fear that me putting words to this adventure would simply jinx it or something. Remember what happened last year?
I can't believe it's nearly been a year since we were told we wouldn't be venturing to Ireland. I will never forget that day - we had both signed off at work, and we had one last appointment with the midwife before we depearted on a plane for the motherland. And guess what the midwife told us after she had already signed the Drs. note for the airlines? She told us that we wouldn't be going to Ireland. The emotions are still there - ugh - I was SO mad! Mad that Jack wasn't growing as he should, mad that didn't have control over it all, mad that our plans were thwarted, mad that we wouldn't be in Ireland for Christmas. I was so angry - at the midwife, at my husband (what did he do?? absolutely nothing!), at God, at the entire situation. And I was such a mess - the husband couldn't console me, the tears were streaming, and the snot was smeared all over my face. It was bad, so bad. And it was sad, so sad. I mean it had been 2 years since we were there. Anyhow, you can read the whole story here if you would like.
Anyhow, it looks like nothing is going to stop us from getting on a plane next Wednesday and trying for round 2! We didn't buy our tickets so early this time, and part of me feels like it's not really happening. It just feels so surreal - it has been so long - nearly THREE years since we were there. And last time we were there it snowed ALOT.
Last year I wrote a blog post about the things I was looking forward to...let's just say not much of that has changed.
Things I am looking forward to this year...
Getting to travel with Peter and our little man Jack! Can't wait to see how Jack does on his first airplane ride. And can't wait to see how I do on my first plane ride with Jack. Will I be able to rest at all? Read a book? Watch a movie? My hope is that the little man will charm everyone next to him with his little smile and that he will sleep alot. And I can't wait for Jack to get his first stamp in his passport - his passport picture is the one on the bottom left.
Seeing family - in-laws, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. I can't wait for Jack to meet his Uncle Stuart...ahhh, I can't even wait to see Stuart's face as he squeezes his nephew and snuggles him. I can't even wait. And I can't wait for Gillian, Jack, and Ruth to see just how much Jack has grown since they last saw him. And I can't wait for the little man to meet his great grandmas and his extended family.
Going to the Christmas market - everything about it just feels like Christmas! Can't wait to get some food from the stalls and drink some hot cider and/or beer.
Visiting some of our favorite places - Queens, Botanic Gardens, Portballintrae, Cave Hill, the Lagan Towpath, Fisherwick, and the list could go on.
Many games of Wizard. I think we only played it once last time we were there and oh what a memorable night that was. Can't wait for all the laughter and all the love that fills that household.
And much, much more!! We are also going to visit the Titanic Museum in Belfast. Anyhow, I love this place and I can't wait to share this place with Jack! Crazy to think he hasn't experienced Ireland yet, the place where his dad grew up. So much to show him and so little he will actually remember!
Please pray for us - for the long flight there, for patience for Peter and I and all the passengers, for grace, for our time with family and friends. Thanks in advance!
Please pray for us - for the long flight there, for patience for Peter and I and all the passengers, for grace, for our time with family and friends. Thanks in advance!
Posts from our last time in Ireland ...
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