It still blows my mind to think you are already 12 months old! You truly are the sweetest thing. And I'm so thankful for your presence in our lives. You love exploring the world and opening drawers and getting into things. I can only imagine what this is going to be like when you are walking around! And you are really independent. You love doing things yourself and you are more than happy to entertain yourself, and if you want company you come find us! You smile all the time and your face lights up when someone else smiles at you! People are always commenting on just how happy you are. You truly are my joy baby. And I had so much fun planning your first birthday party, but I'll leave that for another post.
Growing // It's crazy to think how much you have grown in 12 months. You have gone from 5 lbs 11 oz (1st percentile) to 22 lbs 3 oz (65th percentile). You entered this world at 18.5 inches and now you are 30.25 inches long (67th percentile). You have nearly grown a whole foot! And your head circumference is 47.5 cm (87th percentile). And I suppose you are bigger than the average 12 month old, but not by much. However, you are just a bit bigger than your brother was at this age.
Eating + Sleeping // I'm really only breastfeeding you 4 times a day. You are sleeping SO good these days! We finally got wise and put your pack in play in our room as I think you and Jack were waking each other up, and you are sleeping through the night without a single feed or any attention at all. I know, I know..alot of you are probably thinking wow, finally, he's nearly a year old! But I'm telling ya...our babies aren't the best of sleepers, so this is like a dream come true. Now I'm sure things will change in Ireland and especially once we get back home, but then again maybe not? We'll find out in a few weeks! You are still going to bed around 6 and waking up around 6:30/7. It's crazy to me that you go to bed that early, and I'm sure with time that will change, but that's your rhythm right now and as much as I miss spending time with you in the evenings, especially after a day at the office, it's what works best for you. So we do it! And you are doing two naps, one in the morning around 8:30/9 and the other in the afternoon around 1 or so. In regards to eating, you are eating 3 meals a day plus some snacks. You love breakfast as you LOVE eggs and oatmeal, and you love feeding yourself. We gave you toast for the first time, and you love that, along with crackers and anything that's crunchy. You also love apples, again, I think it's because of the crunch. But some of your favorites are beans, peas, cheese, yogurt, avacado, etc. You are a great eater!
Wearing // You are still wearing some 12 month things, but the majority of your clothes are in the 12-18 month range, except for a few pairs of trousers. But I just keep thinking you'll be in 2 year clothes before we know it! That just feels wild. And you are still in size 4 diapers and we've adjusted the buttons on the cloth diapers.
Loving // You LOVE your pacifier. I think I've mentioned this before, but it's so true. If you are getting tired, you might fuss just a teeny bit to let me know that it's time to put you to bed, and as soon as I put you in your sleep sack and stick your pacifier in your mouth, your eyes kind of roll back and you calm down instantly. You love anything you can stick in your mouth as you just want to chew and suck on everything, think you must have another tooth coming through. You love your brother and he makes you laugh. I love that. You LOVED your smash cake I made for your birthday! And you really love your mama. You are at the stage where you're experiencing separation anxiety, and it's not bad, but it's definitely noticeable.
Loathing // You really don't like when Jack steals toys from you.
Words // Pretty sure you are saying uh oh and dada and mama. I'm not entirely sure if you always say dada and mama in context though or if it's just a babbling thing. You definitely say uh oh though!
Doing // You are getting so close to pulling to stand! And you can do it with a little assistance. You love banging things together and babbling. It is so hard for you to sit still as you just love moving from one place to the next, hence your love for exploration! And you love to pull the ornaments off the tree.
Milestones // Your first Thanksgiving! And your first visit to the tree farm! It's still strange to me that it's not your first Christmas as you were 10 days old last Christmas. We also celebrated your first birthday with a party. And you now have 8 teeth!

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