My sweet son, I can't believe you are already 4 months old. Time flies by and you continue to grow. Before I know it you will be walking and talking just like your brother. I blink and you have changed right before my eyes. It goes so fast. The days may seem long, but the years are so very short. This I know now.
Growing // At your 4 month check up you weighed 14 lbs 2 oz. (18th Percentile) and you were 24.5 inches long (16th Percentile) and your head circumference was in the 84th percentile! So little body, big head! Keeping up with your brother's trend.
Eating + sleeping // You are still eating 8 times a day, maybe 7 times? And sometimes it's every two hours - when I'm at the office, I can't keep up with pumping all the milk you are consuming the days I'm not with you! So I just end up pumping a little extra the days I'm home with you to create a bit of a surplus on the days that I'm not. You are a great sleeper - and you go down for your naps SO incredibly easy. Most of the time we put you in your bed before you even show too many signs of being tired, but on the rare occasion when we miss the window and you start to get fussy, we just swaddle you and turn your sound machine on and walk out of the room and you quiet down immediately. Your brother was never like this!! And you have even taken a few naps in your official crib, and a few times while your brother was either playing in the room or napping as well. The time is going to come soon when we will transfer you, but probably won't be till all of our guests have come and gone!
Wearing // You are wearing your cloth diapers and size 2 disposables. I have put away the 3 month clothing and embraced the fact that you can now wear your 6 month clothes!
Loving // You love baths and your little play mat and looking at yourself in the mirror, and you even seem to enjoy tummy time. That's something we have been doing ALOT more of lately as you definitely have a little flat head.
Loathing // Your brother has recently been putting things in your mouth - like a toothbrush or his fingers or food, and you aren't a fan of that. You also don't like when your brother lays on top of you!
Loathing // Your brother has recently been putting things in your mouth - like a toothbrush or his fingers or food, and you aren't a fan of that. You also don't like when your brother lays on top of you!

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