Growing // You probably weighed something around 12 lbs at the three month mark, but I weighed you yesterday, 12 days shy of four months and you weighed about 14 lbs. I wouldn't be surprised if you gained three lbs this month - you eat ALL the time!
Eating + sleeping // Mama went back to work this month, but you are taking your bottle like a champ, which is such a blessing!
The beginning of your three months you gave us nearly a 6 hour stretch of sleep! Way to go bud. And you have slept for 8 hour stretches as well. You are a great sleeper...most of the time (a few weeks removed from this, and we are entering into a new realm of sleep for you - it's not quite as easy as it was a the beginning of the three month mark). Bedtime is around 8, sometimes earlier depending on when your last nap was, and I've stopped feeding you before I go to bed, and we're just letting you sleep on through. Sometimes you wake up right after I've gone to bed, and sometimes you sleep on through. We never know what we're going to get. But for the most part we know that once we feed you, you will go right back to sleep without a single peep. Having said that, we did have one moment this month where I refused to feed you...just to see what you would do and if we could get you to go back to sleep other ways. And that was an utter FAIL!! Two hours later, I finally caved, and relieved your dad of his tremendous efforts, and fed you, and guess what happened? You went RIGHT back to sleep.
Wearing // You are wearing your cloth diapers and size 1 disposables, but I did buy some size 2 diapers for when we outgrow the size 1's, which I'm imagining will be fairly soon. You are wearing 0-3 month clothes and I just recently pulled out some 6 month pjs as you were wearing the same ones over and over again.
Loving // Your new thing is sucking on your hands - you love your hands! This is really your indicator that you are starving. You love being held and you absolutely love when people hold you and smile at you and talk to you. Your whole face lights up! It's so sweet.
Loathing // Your not a huge fan of your brother getting in your face or your brother pulling on you and your clothes. But who would be right? I mean who wants a finger stuck in their mouth or in their ears right?
Milestones // You are smiling up a storm! Nothing more gratifying than that. You definitely recognize us and you are just the sweetest little person. This isn't really a milestone, but you rarely spit up - and most of your gas comes out the other end. Haha! And quite often that gas smells terrible - sometimes I get nervous people are going to think it came from me!!
Love you Ryan Alexander!! You are just the sweetest little baby. We feel so blessed to have you in our family!
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