October 22, 2019

Anniversary: Here's to Ten years!

Anniversary 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 //  9

Our anniversary was two months ago, and I sit here in awe that we've been married for TEN years! 

When I think back to our wedding day ten years ago, we never ever would have envisioned just what would be in store for us, for our marriage, for our family. Who knew we'd walk through all that we've walked through. I know we sure didn't envision all the trials we'd have.

But God did. 

We knew we wanted children, but we never knew what that life would actually look like, how full and loud life could be, nor did we envision that we'd have three boys. 

But God did. 

He knew we'd be well matched for each other - He knew my energy would see us through, and your consistent and solid nature would sustain us.

He knew I'd never sit down, and I'd need you to call me to the couch.

And as I sit here, with all our children at my feet, I'm just so filled with gratitude for you. 

My friend, my lover, my partner, my supporter, my comedian. 

In all honesty, I feel like this past year has been a year of trying to hear each other amidst the chaos and the noise, a year of connecting, of sharing dreams and our vulnerable hearts, of declaring needs and desires as we delve even deeper into who we are and who God has created us to be, and as we further chip away at the things that draw us apart as we desire to draw near to each other. 

And it's been really humbling for me to look back over the trajectory of our relationship and our marriage and remember our early days. And if I'm honest, I feel like I spent the first few years of our relationship and maybe the first years of our marriage trying to make you into someone you weren't. And I've spent the last 8 years trying to undo all the damage I've done as I lean into who you fully are, as I see and pay witness to the unique gifts and abilities God has given you. And as I acknowledge and affirm the man God has created you

to be, while leaning into the woman God has created me to be and reminding myself that we are different and there is so much good in those differences. 

And when I think back over this last year, I think this idea around difference is what resonates most with me. We have spent alot of time talking about who we are, about our differences, about our weaknesses and our strengths, about our individual needs, about our energy levels, about how we get filled up. And I feel like this is the first year, where we've really put words to those differences and delighted in them (thank you enneagram - I'm an 8, Peter's a 5). 

And I'm so grateful.

This morning, you kissed me goodbye and I snuggled deeper under the covers with a child at my side. And your kiss lingered on my lips, and I just thought, I'm so grateful for this man, for his spirit, for his joy, for his truth. 

I had no idea what God was doing all those years ago, sending me to Ireland on a mission trip, but He did. And even after I met you and before we properly started dating, I knew I'd marry you. I had no idea how God was going to work it all out, but He knew, and I may have thought the idea of a cross cultural marriage a little crazy and far fetched, but He didn't. 

He knew exactly what He was doing bringing us together. 

And there's something so incredibly satisfying and freeing as I trust and lean into God's story. He knows His will for our lives, and I trust that will. 

May we never lose sight of the one who has called us to each other.

And may we never lose sight of God's purpose within us, as our marriage is our greatest ministry.

I love you,


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