June 29, 2019

Conor Christopher: Twelve Months

Conor by month 1 // 2 // 3 //  //  // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 

This has been such a fun month with you! You're really starting to show your personality and have preferences and I love it. You're making your voice heard in this family of ours, and it makes my heart so incredibly happy.

Growing // At your 12 month appointment you weighed 16 lbs 14 oz (2nd percentile), measured 27 inches in length (0 percentile) and your head circumference was 48 cm (93rd percentile). 

Eating + Sleeping // You are eating between 6-8 oz at each feed and you are eating a combination of breastmilk and formula about 5 times a day. We are still fortifying your breastmilk with formula, but the majority of your intake is formula now as I'm just not pumping enough milk. I love feeding you, and when it's feeding time I wrap you up in a blanket and you start sucking on your tongue and we sit in the rocking chair and I feed you in the same position as I have for the last 9 months, with you nestled in my right arm and the bottle in my left. Sometimes you play with my hair, other times you play with my fingers and sometimes you hold the bottle. And quite often, Ryan mounts himself up on the arm of the rocking chair and smothers you with kisses or tries to hold the bottle for you. And you love eating solid foods! You are still not a huge fan of pureed stuff, so we've just been feeding you tiny pieces of real food. You aren't a huge fan of fruit (berries, bananas, etc), but you love most other things - cheese, cheerios, oatmeal, rice, carrots, green beans, broccoli, chicken, minced meat, steak, potatoes, sweet potatoes, avocado. 

And you sleep like a champ! You typically go to bed around 6:30 and you're up by 6:30, and we don't hear a peep from you throughout the night. You're still sleeping in our room on your wedge - you've done a nap or two in your crib. And we've talked about moving you out of our room, but your dada's not quite ready for that yet! You nap two times a day - the first nap is around 9:30 and you typically nap for an hour, and the second one is around 1 and you nap for about an hour, maybe longer. 

Wearing // You started the month off wearing mostly 6 month things, and then I transferred that stuff out and moved your 9 month things into your bin, and by the end of the month, I had moved out all your 9 months pajamas and moved your 12 month pajamas in. They're still a bit big, but some of them fit you perfectly! It's so exciting to see you filling out your clothes. You've grown so much! And you're in a size 2 diaper. I did buy some size 3 diapers, but we were gifted a bunch of size 2s, so we have you in those. And you're wearing your cloth diapers too. 

Loving // You really love to eat food. You're like a little birdie, opening your mouth when a food item comes your way. It's the cutest thing! And you love just playing on the floor with your toys and you love having anything and everything in your mouth. You really love all your teething toys right now and you love knawing at baby carrots.

Loathing // You hate when you drop something you're chewing on. You start crying and fussing, and I know I'm going to find your treasured item either on the floor or just out of your reach!

Nicknames // We're still calling you Connie and Connie bears.

Doing // You are teething! And you cut four teeth this month - top two first and bottom two and you have two more coming in up top. And you started sitting! I still feel uneasy leaving you to sit on your own, but you just fall forward or sometimes you fall backward. You're so close to rolling from your back to your front, but you're not quite there yet. You can roll from your back to your side and you stretch for toys around you, but you're just not quite making the roll back to your tummy. You definitely spend more time on your tummy than you did a few months ago - before you'd just roll straight onto your back haha! 

Doctors Appointments // 2 occupational therapy appointments, 1 visit to North Seattle Pediatrics for RSV shot, and 1 WIC appointment.

Milestones // First St. Paddy's day - we ventured downtown via the bus for the parade! First time in the nursery at church, dada and I had a date night and dropped you off for the parents night out. First boat ride! First family picnic at Richmond Beach. 

Jack by month 1 // 2 // // 4 // 5 // // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12
Ryan by month 1 // // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 //12 


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