March 9, 2019

Conor Christopher: Five Months

Conor by month 1 // 2 // 3 //

It's starting to feel real having you home with us! I can't believe you're already five months old. How has it already been five months? I just love you so much!

Growing // You weighed 10 lbs 14 oz on the actual 5 month mark, but you weighed 11 lbs 1 oz at your five month check up, that was about a week past the actual five month mark! And you're 22.25 inches long. I'm not entirely sure about your percentiles as the Drs. office has stopped adjusting your numbers. But they did say your weight percentile has remained the same as last month and your length percentile has increased actually!

Eating + Sleeping // You are eating 110 mls and I think you started the month at 90 mls. In all honesty though, it's hard to get you to finish a bottle. And it's hard to feed you! You cry and squirm and push it away and I have to bounce you and pat your tummy to get you to take it. It's kind of a lot of work, and it was taking an hour to feed you. We finally just upped your bottle nipple to a 2 and you're not fussing quite as much. We are feeding you 7 times a day, and normally about 3 hours between feeds. We're still waking you up to eat during the day and at night. Maybe this next month we can be more led by you? And you normally go to bed around 7 or so, and then we wake you around 10:30 to feed you before bed, and then we wake you again at 4 AM to feed you, and then you wake up about 7:30/8. You are such a great sleeper, truly. You fall asleep really fast once we put you in your bed and you rarely fuss, and we hardly ever put you in your bed asleep. So you do it all yourself! You're still sleeping on your wedge, but it's hard to strap you in it as you're starting to outgrow it. 

Wearing // You are wearing 0-3 month things now! I packed your newborn stuff away. And you're wearing size 1 diapers and you're wearing your cloth diapers during the day and disposables at night. And we have so many new clothing items for you. I had bought a few things for you, but we were given a bunch of new pjs and things and it's so fun to put you in all the new stuff that was purchased just for you!

Loving // You love to suck on your hands! And sometimes I can even hear you sucking from the other room! And you love sucking on your tongue too. You really love being wrapped up and swaddled.

Loathing // You don't really like to eat. And you don't really like when I keep you up past your naptime, you start fussing until I put you in your bed to sleep.

Nicknames // Conor bears, Con man, Connie, Squish - Ryan calls you Conna

Doing // Smiling!! And cooing at us. You have started to grab our hands and my hair and I'm always finding strands of my hair in your little hands.

Doctors Appointments // 4 appointments - 2 to North Seattle pediatrics and 2 Occupational therapy appointments.

Milestones // You met your Irish grandparents for the first time! And you had your first OT appointment. And you had your first visit downtown. 

Jack by month 1 // 2 // // 4 // 5 // // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12
Ryan by month 1 // // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 //12 


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