Ryan by month 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15 // 16
Growing // I'm sure you weigh more than 26 lbs, you have a Drs. appointment next month, so we'll know more then. You seem big to me and I'm sure you are! People are always commenting on how big of a boy you are. :)
Eating + Sleeping // You eat pretty much everything. Your favorite things are too many to count, but you shake when we pull out the raisins or when I make pancakes as you just can't get those things in your hands fast enough. You're still taking two naps and you're still going to bed at 6 and waking up around 6/630. You have such a little routine down before bed - we get you into your pjs, zip you up in your sleepsack, pop your pacifier in your mouth and read you books, and then to bed you go. It blows my mind how easy you fall asleep, some nights you don't fall asleep till 7 or so and you just lay in your crib and babble to yourself and in the morning when you wake up sometimes you call out for mama or dada and sometimes you just lay in your crib or sit in your crib and just talk to yourself and play with your lovie.
Wearing // The majority of your wardrobe is 2T, your shirts and coats and jumpers, trousers are still 18-24 months - strange that as Jack grows out of clothes, you are growing into them! And you are wearing size 5 diapers.
Loving // You love walking!!! You fall down and you jump right back up. You love playing peekaboo. You love being outside and climbing, and being tickled and laughing and eating. You love exploring the world. You love pulling the books off your bookshelf and reading books in bed. It's the cutest thing!
Loathing // You hate being confined - getting in and out of your carseat, diaper changes, putting clothes on, coming in from outside, holding our hands, being pushed by your brother.
Doing // You took your first steps unassisted this month. I can't even believe it! Your dad called me at work and just said...it happened again! And I was completely clueless, and he said Ryan took his first steps. You still prefer to crawl everywhere, but you'd prefer to be walking, but after a few steps and realizing it's going to take you a little while to get to your destination, you drop to the ground and speed crawl your way there. But you certainly are a determined little man.
Words // Car, Dog, Bye guys, all done, What's dis? What's dat, nana, and all the other words from last month.
Milestones // Your first steps, your first wedding.
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