Growing // Baby brother weighs about 8 1/2 ounces now and baby is about 6 inches long from head to bottom. Baby is now the size of a mango! Feels wild to think that I'm halfway through, as I'm guessing I won't go past 38 weeks. And baby is only half a pound! How is that even possible? I suppose he has grown a ton in those 19 weeks, but it's wild to think just how much he'll grow in the next 19. They say that his sensory development is exploding and he is now designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch. He may even be able to hear my voice now. And I think my bump is growing? I've had people tell me lately, "You don't even look pregnant! How can you possibly be that far along?" And I find myself talking about my other two pregnancies, and mentioning how I don't really start showing with a proper bump until like 25 weeks. So let's just say, I'm excited for that bump day to come! And why do people always think it's okay to talk about a pregnant women's body?
Eating + Sleeping // I'm loving cereal with milk for breakfast. I'm loving salads with basalmic vinegar dressing!! And I'm still all about French bread with sharp cheddar cheese. In fact the lunch I packed today is a salad with bread and cheese! Steamed veggies still aren't appealing to me, but I'll eat them raw? Who knows what that's all about! Peter made a stew for dinner last night, and I ate the cooked carrots, so maybe it's just broccoli I don't want to eat, which is strange as that's one of my favorite veggies, but again, I'm happy to eat it raw or roasted. Maybe it's the lingering smell? And most nights end with a cup of some type of vanilla tea. Sleeping is interesting. I'm up at least once or twice a night to go the bathroom. And I sometimes sleep with an extra pillow, sometimes not. It just depends, but I do love pressing a pillow against my tummy. I'm such a back sleeper though, so I'm always waking up on my back and shifting myself back to my side.
Feeling // I'm just really tired, all the time. And I get out of breath, real fast. I have to climb three flights of stairs to get to my office at work, and I always enter into my work space out of breath! But I'm going to the gym 4 days a week, which is more than I've ever done with any of my other pregnancies. So that feels really good!
Wearing // I finally busted out my own maternity dresses out of their plastic storage containers in the garage! And I'm excited to start wearing them, but I'm really excited to start wearing them without tights and boots, which seems ironic as that's all I wanted to wear when I was pregnant with my other boys. And I've borrowed a bunch of things from friends this time around which is fun. All I want to wear is jeans though and I haven't found any jeans that I love yet, so I'm just wearing a borrowed pair for now, and thinking I can probably hold off on buying a pair as I'll be wearing dresses nonstop soon enough.
Milestones // No big milestones this week, but we have our big anatomy scan this week, and I'm looking forward to that. I should say, it was the strangest thing to find out gender at like 14 weeks, especially when you don't normally find it out till right about now. Feels like we hit some milestones fairly early on because of that.
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