May 9, 2016

Ryan Alexander: 16 months

 Ryan by month 1 // // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14 // 15
Growing // You may weigh just a bit more than 25 lbs now? Who knows! You're getting so big!! And you're such a little toddler now. It blows my mind. But you still have your little pudgy hands!

Eating + Sleeping // You love nuts, pancakes, granola bars, whole apples and so much more. For breakfast we normally give you oatmeal and you've started using a spoon! And for lunch, you love peanut butter sandwiches and apples and raisins and nuts and cheese, anything really. If someone is eating something that you really want you shake your little body and whine until we give you some of it. It's pretty funny! You love beans and peas just like your brother. You're still taking two naps, but on some days, it's just one. However, that doesn't happen very often! You're still going to bed at 6 and getting up around 630 or so. You are obsessed with your pacifier and you have this little lovey that you sleep with that you just love! Sometimes I hear you making noises and crying out at night, but you go right back to sleep. And in the morning, I hear you wake up, but you just sit up in your bed and talk to yourself until someone comes and gets you. And as soon as I enter your room, you stand up and smile and giggle and you are so excited to see me! Such a good way to start the morning really. 

Wearing // Alot of your clothes these days are 18 months, maybe even 18-24 months? And you are definitely waering a few 2T tops, but you are still wearing 12-18 month pants. And size 4 diapers. 

Loving // You love your pacifier and your lovey. You love playing with cars and I love watching you push them on the hardwood floors as you scoot around with them. You love your little walker and you love walking with it and without it. You love playing with your brother and you love to laugh. And you love playing with your kitchen!

Loathing //
You know you really don't like having your diaper changed. You hate sitting still for any period of time. And you try to squirm your way off the changing table! We have to give you a toy or a car to distract you long enough to get the job done.

Words //  Go, Bye, Hi, What's dis? Mama, dada, etc. You are a sign language fanatic and your favorite sign is more. 

Doing // You took your first steps unassisted this month. I can't even believe it! Your dad called me at work and just happened again! And I was completely clueless, and he said Ryan took his first steps. You still prefer to crawl everywhere, but you'd prefer to be walking, but after a few steps and realizing it's going to take you a little while to get to your destination, you drop to the ground and speed crawl your way there. But you certainly are a determined little man.

Milestones //
We took you to the beach for the first time! You loved it, picking up rocks, putting some in the bucket and some in your mouth. You participated in your first Easter egg hunt and let's just say, you had no idea what was going on. :) You have four more teeth coming in! And you already have 12. 


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